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AWS DevOps Master Workshop
Week 0 - Preliminaries
1 - Intro (4:59)
2 - Setting up Node.js and Yarn (11:09)
3 - Setting Up Github (15:00)
4 - Setting up Github with SSH Access (13:30)
5 - Quick Git 101 (7:37)
6 - A Simple, Effective Git Workflow (28:47)
7 - Docker and Docker Hub (4:17)
7.5 - For Windows Users Installing / Using Docker [README]
8 - Setting up the AWS Account and User (14:42)
9 - Setting up the AWS CLI and Profiles (10:31)
Week 1 - Intros
1 - Welcome (5:17)
2- What We're Building (6:21)
3 - Requirements For the Certification and Recommendation (2:11)
4 - How the Workshop Content is Structured (0:45)
5 - The Technologies We're Using for Our Applications and Data (8:49)
Week 1 - How-To's (Updated)
1 - The Development Environment (API) (33:45)
2 - The Development Environment (Database) (22:45)
3 - The API to Database Hook Up (28:14)
4 - API Code Style Enforcing (15:02)
5 - API Testing Environment (29:37)
6 - React Web Application Setup (12:03)
7 - Web Code Style Enforcing (13:33)
8 - Web and API Connection (12:39)
9 - Web Testing Environment (20:11)
10 - Initializing the API and Web Git Repos (6:18)
Week 1 - Misc
1 - Performance Tweak for Docker Compose Development (3:34)
2 - Fast Yarn Testing on Mac and Windows (3:18)
Week 1 - FAQs
Week 1 - The Why's
1 - Understanding the Development Environment (12:32)
2 - The Dockerized Services (7:30)
3 - The Docker Compose File (11:05)
4 - Loopback Overview (10:00)
5 - Creating a Protected Resource in Loopback (28:17)
6 - Enforcing Code Style (3:22)
Week 2 - Intros
1 - Intro (2:30)
2 - Cloud Networking Overview (7:24)
3 - Private Networks, IP Addresses, and Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) (15:23)
4 - How We'll Make Our VPC Network (5:12)
Week 2 - The How-To's
1 - Creating the VPC Subnet CIDR Blocks (5:47)
2 - Setting up the VPC (22:49)
3 - Creating a Bastion and Keypair (15:05)
Week 2 - The Why's
1 - VPCs Overview Part 1 (5:00)
2 - VPCs Overview Part 2 (9:31)
3 - VPCs Overview Part 3 (11:47)
4 - Bastions and Key Pairs (5:45)
5 - Identity and Access Management (IAM) Overview (10:10)
Week 2 - Lab
1 - Lab: Security Groups, Network ACL, IAM Policies, IAM Roles (52:10)
Week 3 - Intros
1 - Intro (9:27)
2 - How All of the Week 3 Pieces Fit Together (7:30)
Week 3 - The How-To's (Both)
1 - Creating the Cluster (2:25)
2 - Creating the Load Balancer (10:30)
Week 3 - Normal Setup How-To's
3 - Creating the Launch Configuration (Normal Setup) (14:20)
4 - Creating the Auto Scaling Group (Normal Setup) (7:18)
Week 3 - Secure Setup How-To's
3 - Setting up Private Links to ECS (14:33)
4 - Setting up the Private Network ACL (10:28)
5 - Creating the Launch Configuration (Secure Setup) (16:44)
6 - Creating the Auto Scaling Group (Secure Setup) (10:04)
Week 3 - The How-To's Continued (Both)
DB - Creating the RDS Aurora Cluster (24:34)
$ - Pausing Clusters and Instances (5:45)
Week 3 - The Why's
0 - The Hitchhiker's Guide to AWS ECS and Docker
1 - The Cluster (2:53)
2 - VPC Private Endpoints (9:02)
3 - The Application Load Balancer (10:46)
4 - Launch Configurations & Auto Scaling Groups (4:42)
5 - AWS Relational Database Service (RDS) (18:34)
Week 4 - Intros
1 - Intro (5:30)
2 - What We're Building This Week (8:48)
Week 4 - The How-To's
1 - Prepping the Production API Dockerfile (12:20)
2 - Pushing the Production API Docker Image to ECR (6:40)
3 - Making the KMS Key and Encrypted SSM Parameters (9:54)
4 - Creating the ECS Task Role and Log Group (9:30)
5 - Creating the ECS Task Definition for Our API Service (19:02)
6 - Creating the ECS Service and First Time API Launch (18:11)
7 - Metrics and Pausing ECS, The Instances, and RDS (9:30)
Week 4 - The Why's
0 - The Hitchhiker's Guide to AWS ECS and Docker
1 - AWS Key Management Service (KMS) and Simple Systems Manager (SSM) (7:43)
2 - Adding new Encrypted SSM Parameters (11:24)
Week 5 - Intros
1 - Intro (3:46)
2 - What We're Building This Week (12:14)
Week 5 - The How-To's
1 - Setting up Circle CI (20:35)
2 - Making the CircleCI Config File (15:58)
3 - Creating the Deploy Script (8:05)
4 - The Updated Task Script (7:15)
5 - Using the CI/CD (11:53)
6 - Connecting a Domain Name and HTTPS Certificate to our ALB (17:19)
7 - Making the HTTPS Listener on the Load Balancer (7:22)
Week 5 - The Why's
1 - CircleCI Overview (17:00)
2 - CircleCI Configuration File Overview Pt. 1 (18:40)
3 - CircleCI Configuration File Overview Pt. 2 (14:42)
4 - Route53 and Certificate Manager (5:39)
Week 6 - Intros
1 - Intro (3:10)
2 - What We're Building This Week (5:03)
Week 6 - The How-To's
1 - Building the React App and Setting Up the S3 Bucket (21:35)
2 - Setting up the CloudFront Distribution (11:18)
3 - Setting up a Route53 Alias for Our CloudFront Distribution (7:52)
4 - Hooking up the CircleCI to the Web Repo (7:19)
5 - Updating the CircleCI User's Permissions (5:58)
6 - The Web CircleCI Config File (4:44)
7 - The Web Deploy Script (4:24)
8 - Trying out the Web CI/CD (10:18)
Week 6 - The Why's
1 - CloudFront (12:54)
2 - IAM Policies vs S3 Policies and S3 ACLs (7:55)
Week 7 - Intros
1 - Intro (4:43)
2 - What We're Building This Week (8:47)
Week 7 - The Why's
1 - AutoScaling Overview (13:27)
2 - AutoScaling ECS Cluster Metrics (12:53)
3 - AutoScaling ECS Service Metrics (10:33)
4 - CloudWatch Alarms (13:16)
5 - AutoScaling Policies Pt. 1 (13:10)
6 - AutoScaling Policies Pt. 2 (10:35)
7 - AutoScaling ECS and the AutoScaling Group of Servers (8:09)
Week 7 - The How-To's
1 - The AutoScaling IAM Role (1:43)
2 - AutoScaling the API Service with Step Scaling (22:04)
3 - AutoScaling the API ECS Service with Target Tracking (6:12)
4 - AutoScaling the Servers with Step Scaling (17:19)
5 - AutoScaling the Servers with Target Tracking (5:35)
Week 8 - Intros
1 - Intro (12:27)
Full Workshop Text Guide
The Workshop Text Guide
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8 - CloudFormation Intros
1 - Intro (16:49)
2 - How CloudFormation Works (18:59)
Week 8 - CloudFormation How-To's
1 - Template Anatomy (35:05)
2 - Template Helpers (22:57)
3 - The VPC (26:31)
4 - The Subnets (20:20)
4.5 - Making the Subnets IPv6 Ready (DO NOT SKIP)
5 - The Public Route Table (22:40)
6 - The Private Route Table (16:11)
7 - The Public Network ACL (17:43)
8 - The Private Network ACL (13:50)
9 - The Outputs (14:57)
10 - Launching the Template (13:24)
Week 8 - CloudFOUNDATION
1 - CloudFormation Templates with CloudFOUNDATION (12:00)
2 - Setting up a Project with CloudFOUNDATION (28:47)
Week 8 - The Test
1 - Taking The Test (12:36)
2 - The Test Result (11:59)
3 - The Test Aid Document
5 - Creating the ECS Task Definition for Our API Service
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